I don't remember having been stung by a yellow jacket before, but I had that awful privilege yesterday as I was using a hoe to dig out the roots of some pesky weeds. I think I was stung 2 or 3 times on my right foot. I did get the opportunity to flip one of them pretty hard and then took off running into the house. I immediately applied ice to my foot and took some benadryl. I figured it would sting for a while and then start to go away. Instead the pain became more and more intense and felt like my foot was in a vice that kept getting tighter and tighter. I have always had a pretty high pain tolerance, but I tell you, this was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. Artie finally convinced me to go to the emergency room and I was given a steroid shot and something for pain. I'm better today but my foot is still a bit painful. Today I just wanted to say that I'm very thankful for drugs and to know that I'm allergic to yellow jackets. I'll do my best to avoid them in the future.

Hey susan! we found your blog. And we were wondering about the books you recommended to me. We found the Eugene Peterson (a long obedience), but we found a book called "the will of god as a way of life" by Jerry Sittser, and one by Tom Sine called "Living on Purpose". Which is which?
Our email is tkokie AT gmail dot com.
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