It's after midnight and I can't sleep. My brother, Steve, went Home to heaven on February 23. He died from renal cell carcinoma - very fast moving. I've just gotten home from Little Rock. Somehow leaving his house knowing I wouldn't see him again there was so hard, so permanent.
Somehow I want to make the world stop - for just a few moments - to acknowledge how wonderful he was. It just seems so unnatural for things to continue along without missing a beat.
We grew up for a good while with a single father, and my brother, Steve, was given a lot of responsibility. There are a lot of hard memories, but the hardness of our lives produced such fruit in Steve's life. He was a wonderful brother. He taught me how to shave my legs, and how to play tackle football. He sewed shoulder pads for me made out of a flannel shirt, stuffed with all kinds of weird stuff for padding and I became his tackling dummy. He decorated the house at Christmas and I learned there was no Santa Clause by hiding behind the couch as I watched him put together my bike. He helped me with school projects and taught me how to write with a cartridge pen. He taught me how to swim, how to blow up army men with firecrackers and paint them with red fingernail polish so they would look like they had really been to war. I learned how to play whiffle ball, softball, and tetherball under Steve's tutelage. Necessity is the mother of invention, and so often Steve would creatively come up with solutions to our every day needs. I thought he could do or fix anything. But cancer, he couldn't lick. We prayed hard for Steve's healing and now we turn to God for our help, healing, hope and grace. We had hoped he would be healed this side of heaven. So with what we don't understand we turn our face to God and open our hand, acknowledging God's goodness in giving him to us for 57 years. The more you love someone, the harder it is when they leave. I'm thankful that Steve was my brother.
Steve was a rock, a constant, a wise and loving man. He was sweet, in the greatest sense of that word. We talked often and he was always anxious to hear about my children and grandchildren. One of the women who worked with Steve said he would ask her if she wanted to see some pretty babies and he'd call her in to check out Linda or Jen's blogs. She said he loved the names "Lavender Zoe" and "Ella Rose."
When he called and got my voice mail he would leave a message and most often said, "Susan, this is brother. Call me." I so wish I had saved one of his messages so I could hear his voice every now and then.
At the viewing the night before the funeral a DVD was playing with pictures of Steve's life and Randy Travis singing hymns. My son, Josh, said from those pictures it looked like Steve lived at the beach. He loved it so much and he, Susie, and the girls and their families spent many vacations enjoying the sand and water. He loved his wife, his daughters, his grandchildren. Another friend who came over to be with me watched the DVD and said kindness and love could be seen in each of Steve's snapshots. I will post some of those pictures if I can copy them from the DVD. For now, the sunset picture was the best I could do.
This is the hardest trial I've had to face thus far in my life. Losing parents is hard, but somehow losing Steve was even harder for me. It just seemed like there was a lot more living for him to do. I don't think we're ever meant to "get over" the deaths of those we love. We must turn to God for the help only He can give and for his mercies that are new every morning. If you're reading this, your prayers for me and for our family are appreciated. Steve left a boulder-size hole in my heart.
Labels: Steve is Home
oh Susan... I greive with and for you during this time of saying goodbye to your sweet brother. You had such a special bond for so many reasons. Our siblings are with us from the beginning which gives them a unique ability to understand us like other people can't. I liked hearing about the roles he played for you at different times, father, mother, big brother, protector and friend. People greive so differently, from anger, doubt, utter broken-heartedness, to emptiness, to a combination of all of them. For me those moments and days after my fathers last breaths where filled with a deep ache of emptiness unlike anything I felt before. Unfortunetly, even now three years later the heartache and missing is still there just beneath the surface like a deep wound that never quite heals. However God is faithful and he comforts the mourning and it does get to the point where we remember with joy, and laughter and thankfulness and not just with tears of missing. All of that to say there are some things that we carry with us always until we meet again in glory. One thing I was struck by as I watched his video through tears and moving children was what a wonderful life he had. He got to have many years with a woman he loved, watch his children grow up and have children of their own, he knew the love of God and of family , more than a lot of people could ever hope for. In the days ahead, be gentle with your self. Take the time to rest, to write, to pray, to cry. But know that you are not alone and though life marches on without missing a beat, we pause with you and remember Steve, we shed tears and we rest in Him whose yoke is easy and burden is light. We love you.
Beautiful thoughts, Susan. Just the expressing of your remembrances and feelings touched and helped your sorrowing heart. I have a clearer picture of Steve now. He who loved being at the beach is now beside the Jasper Sea. Just take one day at a time and know that many are thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Beth
so lovely to read about your memories of sweet Steve. So much of who he was has it's roots there and somehow hearing those memories makes him seem a little nearer. I still can't believe he's not here and I don't think that will ever feel normal or right. i miss him and regret so much that I didn't get to see him one last time.
I so wish I could tell him that he has always been this incredible, seemingly unstoppable cornerstone of a person who loved life and family more than any man I have known. I wish I had told him that he was one of the best examples of a father and husband I had ever known.
All this to say... I don't ever think you stop loving someone even if they are no longer here. I guess if anything it makes our love and memories of them more palpable and precious and hopefully with God's grace and strength we will live our lives cherishing what we have and the moments that so often go unnoticed.
I love you... you know how much I have been thinking and praying for you... i hope...
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