A family tradition was started last year on September 21st. Five years ago, my father passed away on the first day of autumn. My dad and I had a special connection that involves acorns and oak trees - so it was a sweet thing that God called Dad home on that day - a way God once again proved his knowing of the deep things of my heart.
So, this Thursday is Acorn Day - a time of celebrating the story my father told me when I was a little girl. We're going to decorate treasure bags and have a treasure hunt. We'll color and paint and create autumn pictures. And then I'll share my story with my precious grandchildren and friends and we can celebrate together. I can remember again the wonder I felt as a little girl knowing that God made a huge oak tree from one tiny acorn, and I'll pray that some of that wonder will be placed in the hearts of the children who listen. I do think we can inspire wonder in one another - and that is my prayer - that these children will grow in their sense of wonder at the majesty and power of a God who can do above and beyond anything we can think or imagine.
If you're reading this, feel free to come and be a part - 3:30 on the 21st. If you aren't able to come, think of us and say a prayer for us that God will be pleased to draw the hearts of the children as they celebrate his goodness to us.
Blessings - Susan